We have been awarded

We proudly received the seal: Innovative through research

One often reads that Germany lags behind in terms of innovation in international comparison. In any case, it can't be up to us.

We have been investing resources such as personnel, time and money in research and development projects for many years. This commitment led to numerous new developments such as the SPEEDMAX, the 700 ton servo press, the X2000NC with finger bending technology or innovative special machines.

But our standard machines are also continuously being developed in the direction of faster cycle rates, energy efficiency and customer-friendly usability. In this way we are successful in the market, we are growing and we can continue to expand our customer base.

This year we received the seal: “Innovative through research”. Since 2014 it has been awarded by the “Stifterverband” to research-based companies for their special responsibility that they assume for the state and society.

The Stifterverband is one of the largest private science sponsors in Germany. In addition to his commitment to young academics, excellent universities and cutting-edge research, it is also his task to examine and evaluate the German research and innovation system.

How much does business invest in research and development in Germany? What effects does this have on the future viability of this country? These questions are the focus of the R&D survey, which the science statistics in the Stifterverband carries out annually on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

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