MX Award

Assessors visit our company

We had a visit from the MX Awards assessors.
MX stands for “Manufacturing Excellence” and the award is one of the most prestigious awards a company can ever receive in Germany. One of the most important goals of the MANUFACTURING EXCELLENCE initiative is to maintain and secure added value in Germany. This requires future-oriented companies.

The fact that we, as a medium-sized company, have even made it to the group of companies selected for on-site visits is already a great success for us. In addition to the chance of winning the award, there is more to it than that.

As a participating company, we initially carried out a detailed internal analysis ourselves and have now received an external assessment from the MX network experts. We receive detailed, individual feedback and can learn at a high level in exchange with top-class companies. As a participant, we will receive a free evaluation of the benchmarking results after the competition is over. That alone is a great benefit for our company.


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