The digital twin is on its way

First 3D visualisation of Schmale plants in the Co-TWIN project

Last week, the partners of the Co-TWIN project came to our company for a working meeting.
The aim is to generate a digital twin of every Schmale production plant in the future. In a development partnership with the TU Chemnitz, the private university HHL Leipzig and others, the dovetailing of industrial production and information technology with a digital twin is to be further advanced.

The research focus is on software development for practical application and the connection to machine technology. As a practical application partner from industry, Schmale Maschinenbau provides the suitable interfaces on the machines and controls.

At the current stage, a realistic representation of the X2000NC can already be viewed virtually from all sides. In addition, individual aggregates can be exchanged and placed elsewhere in real time. In the future, the 3D visualisation should give our customers the possibility to imagine the future plant already in the quotation phase.
The "Co-TWIN" programme is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

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