Schmale employees at Fun Sports event

2. place at "Waterskiing King of Altena"

The employees of Schmale Maschinenbau GmbH do not only have a professional career. During the Fun Sports competition around the “Waterskiing King of Altena”, a harmoniously coordinated team reached the 2nd place in July 2016.

10 teams in the outdoor swimming pool of Altena Dahle tried to pull their waterskier only by muscle strength over the track as fast as possible. Power, especially speed and timing are important. (Almost like in our servo-electric machines.) Only if all factors are perfectly matched, a waterskier can be pulled through the pool.

Most participants end up amusing the numerous spectators in the water, but the team "Schmale Hammerheads" with Christian König on the water skis reached the second place with two nearly perfect runs, was defeated only by a team of professional athletes.

A short report of the event (voiceover in german) can be found on our Youtube channel

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Christian König

[Translate to English:] Christian König

Schmale employees at Fun Sports event

Die Zugmannschaft

Fun Sports event

Schmale Hammerheads

Schmale Hammerheads

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