Schmale and the Corona virus

First of all: the business continues "almost" normally

In departments where it is possible, the Schmale employees work in the home office. This affects, among other things, some colleagues from construction, from purchasing, from control engineering and the service department. In each department there is at least one contact person in the company!
We created an emergency plan for the company at an early stage and created the technical requirements for home office jobs.
Our home office employees work remotely on secure connections and can be reached by email. Data protection is of course preserved.
The assembly and commissioning of our plants runs as usual. The employees in the company keep a safe distance from each other and we have introduced stricter hygiene rules.
According to the current state of knowledge, the currently lower number of staff does not lead to delays in delivery.
We wish you all the best in this extraordinary time for us all. Stay healthy!

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