The revolution in cold forming

Servoelectric-press with 7000kN force as a single station on our workwall

For months, it was just a rumor. But now it's finally time for us to present a new development that will revolutionize cold forming. We have been able to build a servo-electric press with a force of 7000kN. At the same time we could build it so small that it can be integrated as a single station in a working wall.

Although the press, with a height of 3.50 meters and a dead weight of approx. 22 tons, is the largest single unit we have ever designed and built at Schmale; compared to the similarly powerful, servo-electric presses of other manufacturers on the market, our press is downright tiny. It achieves a speed of up to 40 cycles per minute at maximum stroke. For shorter strokes, it works much faster.

The small size offers a number of advantages. By integrating the press into a workstation with multiple stations, expensive follow-on composite tools can be replaced for specific manufacturing processes. Thus, the system is a real alternative to large presses with progressive tools.

Our solution leads to significantly lower tooling costs and set-up times as the 7000kN press only performs part of the complex forming process. In several other, smaller stations further forming processes take place, which require less large forces. They use their own, inexpensive tools. In addition, our press does not need its own foundation and the system fits into every plant.

You can find a short video of our new development on our facebook page.

A longer video can be found in our youtube channel. (Voiceover only in german.) Youtubegrafik

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5 stations including the 7000kN press on our workwall

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